behavior change Toss Out These 4 Negative Behaviors That Are Weighing Your Life Down The internet and social media are littered with advice on what you should be doing to restore positivity to your life and enhance your mental health. However, continuing to indulge in negative behaviors is as likely to be bad for you as failing to enact beneficial ones. Dropping bad habits
anxiety Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI) for Anxiety and Depression Compared to active control conditions, studies indicate that MBIs are superior interventions in reducing anxiety symptoms.
stress Innere Unruhe: 7 Schritte zu mehr Gelassenheit und Ruhe Wenn innere Unruhe nicht nachlässt, zehrt das an uns. Zur Ruhe zu kommen ist wesentlich, um sich zu erholen und neue Kraft zu tanken. Hier werden 7 Tipps gegen Stress und für mehr Gelassenheit und Ruhe vorgestellt.